July 17 to 23, 2015 at USP - Brazil


The conference will be held at the Abrahão de Moraes Auditorium, at the Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo
Rua do Matão, Travessa R, 187 - CEP 05508-090 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

The speakers will be brought from the hotel to the venue by a bus shuttle (check the Practical Info for the schedule). The closest Metro station to the USP campus is the station "Butantã" (Line 4 - Yellow). From there you can pick up the bus lines 8012-10 or 8022-10 - "Cidade Universitária - Metrô Estação Butantã". You can check the routes of both lines here (in Portuguese). The bus stops closest to the venue (Institute of Physics) are:

  • Bus line 8012-10: bus stop "IAG" (Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics) at Rua do Matão;
  • Bus line 8022-10: bus stop "Física" at Rua do Matão.

Notice, however, that these buses take a long turn inside the campus to get to the above stops. The most convenient stops to reach the Institute of Physics, after a short walk, are (see the tags in the venue map below for additional help):

  • Bus line 8012-10: bus stop "FEA" (Faculty of Economy and Administration), at Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto. From there, cross the avenue and turn to the right. Follow the sidewalk until you see a stairway to your left, which leads to the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME). Follow the stairway and turn left, going between two IME buildings. Once you reach the roundabout "Praça do Oceanógrafo", go straight up and to your right to reach the Institute of Physics.
  • Bus line 8022-10: bus stop "FAU" (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism), at Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto. This stop is just about in front of the stop "FEA" above, in the other side of the avenue. Walk to the right of the bus stop along the sidewalk and follow the same instructions as above.